Tuesday, January 1, 2019

wanting to fly

found on the internet; will take down if objections from originator
(Andree here.) This image was titled "Baby Bat wants to fly!" It's a vintage Japanese netsuke with the sweetest of faces, and it reminds me of the love with which many of us got bat tattoos after Erik left.  I just found out that Iman and her daughter with David Bowie got commemorative tattoos (though not bats) last year, and since we're all longtime big Bowie fans (as was Erik) I love that great minds think alike.  If you're interested, there's a lovely article about Iman and Lexi's tattoos and memories here.
E, you always had such a pure, kind curiosity about everything. . . this little guy makes me think of your face when you were looking at something new that you liked.

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