Friday, August 14, 2020


 Andree here.  I'll be brief today, but I wanted to be sure to reach out to those of you checking in.  So far everyone in the extended family remains well, and we hope that very same for all of you, with love.

So, random note: in the course of my time with a local bookshop, I've become really beguiled by First Peoples poetry.  I particularly like that of the Pacific NW tribes, because it's immediate, and punchy.  And for some crazy reason it makes me think of E.  But this morning in my rush I can't locate any of my Haida or Tlingit favorites.

What I do have is this simple "Woman's Song" from the Blackfoot tribe (not PNW by a longshot):

Do not worry about me

I shall be eating berries on my way home.

And my mind's eye sees E, strolling "home," eating blackberries. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

two oh two oh

sean found this a couple weeks ago
Andree here.  Happy New Year 2020 to you all!  And if you're here, you'll understand when I say Happy E Day - he would have been 54.  I don't remember how old he and Eugene Holyk (and please, can anyone identify #3?) are here. 
There are many reasons to be happy.  The family had a particularly fine one this Christmas - E's son Jaeger visited!  Kid is TALL.  Also handsome.  Neither will surprise you.  Lyric is in college.  That happened fast.
But then it all happens fast, doesn't it? No matter.  Let time buffer griefs, and bring possibilities and joy, while we're here.  We'll all be back together on our favorite decks someday.