Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tonight when I chase the dragon*....I will run his flammable derriere over with a Pinz.

(Andree here) Ah, opiates. Useful and yet with side effects that mildly irritate, like a bit role in The Office, I suppose.

See - E had a recurrence of "ascites" or the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Happens a bit with folks in his situation. It's gone now thanks to a doctor who was happy to help it find exit a couple days ago, so E is more comfortable now and not feeling quite so bloaty.
Now he just has to navigate some of the side effects of his opiate-based painkiller, but cessation from pain is a certain value of itself.

*It's a Steely Dan reference.
"Tonight when I chase the dragon/The water will change to cherry wine/And the silver will turn to gold/Time out of mind." Chase the dragon = smoke opium. I don't think the opioid family's anywhere near as fun in real life as that sounds. Didn't you see Trainspotting? Ew.

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