Wednesday, August 26, 2009

words from pelsue

(Andree here) I'm a little behind on the posting. But I have some great words from Dave Pelsue that I got permission to share. He'd sent them along for the 14th, but they are great for every day. They will mean as much to you as they did to me. Here. . .

* * *

Greetings everyone,

Regretfully I can't attend tomorrow's first E day with everyone but I look forward that more will follow that I can better plan for. Thanks so much Nancy for the coin Art had crafted and the pictures included in this email. As sad as his passing still is to me,... I know Erik's got that grin streaching from ear to ear right now with one raised brow as he ponders his next project step... that brings me peace...

Reflecting on the many..many positive moments, his insight, and humerous quips of wisdom far beyond his earthly years will warm my heart tomorrow as they do most any day... Just as imagining the gathering of you all together doing the same...

Erik taught this old dog some new tricks and reminded me often that there's nothing wrong with being a kid, matter how old we get... Keep smiling E!!!



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