Tuesday, January 6, 2009

e tat fest

(Andree here)

New Year's Day saw a passel o'pals meet up at Painless Ric's in Camas to get E tats en masse. Dad's (Terry) is up above. What a nice looking bat.

"The Counselor," Steve, shows E as a compass (see below).

Above, brother Sean, and below, his First Peoples-inspired bat tat.

Above, our own dear Mike McG put the E seal on one of his not-inconsiderable forearms, below.

And here's Dean getting one on his foot. Did that hurt? Dude.

It looks like it hurt.
Nice though.

Sister Brynn checkin' hers out, adorable as always.
(Below) See it?

(Below) Adam shows the good words that kept E going through everything.

Here he is getting them in a prime spot for handy reference.

Does this give you ideas? Go thou and do likewise - if you do, send me the photo and let's share.

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