Friday, December 19, 2008

from across the pond

(Andree here) I'm very grateful to Marianne Kay for the post I'm about to give you, as it largely consists of messages she's transmitting from colleagues in China. Let's get right to them:

Marianne opens: Allow me to share excerpts of emails sent by colleagues in China. I’ve not asked their permission to post so I have omitted names but allow these excerpts to show that others overseas, whom you might never meet, were as deeply moved by Erik as those of us who were fortunate enough to have been able to share our memories and our grief at Erik Rising. I know they, like we, will never forget him. Please read their words:

* * *

Actually I don’t know how to describe my feelings. There were too many to express for this friendship between Erik & I. I just couldn’t accept such a great man passed away. I kept asking where God is. I don’t care how many miracles He made. All I begged of Him to was to put a magic on my friend Erik, but it seemed that He was not existent. Or maybe, just maybe He had more important assignments for Erik to spread his spirit in another world, but it wasn’t fair because we need the giant here too.

I met Erik in a dream last week. He was smiling to me and said “ Hey, don’t worry, or life will kill you.” He told me don’t work that hard and asked me to take care of myself. You know, he always said there are many puzzles in my head and I tried to organize all the pieces together. He wanted me to relax from work and take care of myself. I do miss this guy. He was like a meteor in this world; his life wasn’t long but it was shining and made the surroundings sunny.

I’ve never met Erik’s family but I do wish I could meet them someday. Erik talked a lot about them. I wish all these friendships could take the sorrow from Nancy and children.

It is really difficult for me to take this sad news, and still couldn't get my emotion recovered since I received your email yesterday morning. In fact, I was just thinking about paying a visit to meet him and his family in Oct.

He is such an important person in my life and always devoted himself to help. No selfishness at all.

It is a real hurt to lose a good friend like Erik and he will be always on my mind as my mentor forever. Seriously, we all owe him a huge deal for his contribution…

The news of his death hit me really hard. I would like to express my condolences for the loss of him. There were so many things that made him special to me. It is very difficult to lose this good friend. He will always be in my heart.

* * *
(Andree again) Marianne had an excellent story of her own, and it deserves its own post. Stay tuned. And the family's continued warm wishes and gratitude to you all as we move closer to the holidays.

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