Friday, May 16, 2008


(Andree here) I just talked to Erik for a moment. He actually sounds quite good, and he assures me he's not too bad at all, though his voice is tinged with the weariness come by honestly when you've made Round #2 of trips to various offices for Paperwork One Really Kinda Needs PostHaste Here, only to find none of it is ready yet.

So much research yet to do, so many options both Western and alternative to examine and analyze. To be well informed is a treatment strategy too. You know the old saying "Knowledge is power"? Very applicable here. It's easy to move if we settle for only what's offered; when we decide to seek the better than, that takes time. And that's why I haven't posted anything definite yet.

Meanwhile, Erik continues on the intensive course of naturopathy designed for him, which is aimed toward turning his chemical makeup into an environment inhospitable to cancer, but fortifying to himself. Getting ready to move swiftly and well when the course is chosen and the papers are in order.

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