Thursday, January 1, 2015

new year 2015: reach out

Andree here.  Many of you have seen the photo above already, most likely on my Facebook profile this past couple of days.  I can't recall what Erik was doing, precisely, but I love how evocative his hand is of his whole being: big, encompassing, nimble, hardworking, tender.
His kids are up visiting their grandparents as I write this; they head back to SoCal tomorrow.  They are so tall!  You know time has gone by in an academic way, and then you come up against a couple of beings who are suddenly lofty rangy teenpeople, and there you are whapped upside the head with the big wet fish of Time.
Which is a perfect example of why we need to . . .

Look as long as you can
at the friend you love
No matter whether that friend is moving away from you
or coming back toward you.