Friday, August 14, 2015

new terrain

Mogfest 2004

Hi everyone.  AndrĂ©e here.
Seven years ago today E took off for that far shore, where in my mind's eye I see him blazing across shining country in a sky-blue Pinz, new friends bouncing out the windows howling with laughter like we all used to do.
Dear E - 
Though it truly seems like just yesterday you went away, it's long enough now that your kids are as tall as I am, and Jemma goes away this weekend to be a junior at WSU.  It's a new world for her too, starting her grownup life where the hills roll far golden to the eye, her own shining country.  My auntie pride in her is about the only thing that makes missing you today bearable.  As you fly across the hills over there, do you look out to the horizons and understand everything?  I hope I will, too, someday.  Save me a seat and a brew, brother.  
Love, A

Thursday, January 1, 2015

new year 2015: reach out

Andree here.  Many of you have seen the photo above already, most likely on my Facebook profile this past couple of days.  I can't recall what Erik was doing, precisely, but I love how evocative his hand is of his whole being: big, encompassing, nimble, hardworking, tender.
His kids are up visiting their grandparents as I write this; they head back to SoCal tomorrow.  They are so tall!  You know time has gone by in an academic way, and then you come up against a couple of beings who are suddenly lofty rangy teenpeople, and there you are whapped upside the head with the big wet fish of Time.
Which is a perfect example of why we need to . . .

Look as long as you can
at the friend you love
No matter whether that friend is moving away from you
or coming back toward you.