Tuesday, August 14, 2012

2012..."only a curtain"

Hi, everyone.  Andree here.  This is a photo of Erik at Lyric's birthday party in 2008.
Four years have gone by.  They have brought sadness and consolation to each of us in whichever way we are built to bear and find them.  Some of us carried it with particular sweetness and beauty - I'm looking at you, my sister Brynn - and some of us carried it with white-hot rage and desolation (well, actually, that was just me).  Whomever we are, whatever we have felt and still feel, I found words this morning that I hope will lift your heart as they have lifted mine.  They are from the holy poet Rumi, who built an entire earth and heaven from the exchange of love.  Here is a selection from his "Ghazal #911," in which Rumi tells us that a grave is "only a curtain for the paradise behind," and continues,

. . . you'll only see me descending into a grave 
now watch me rise 
how can there be an end 
when the sun sets or the moon goes down. . . 

have you ever seen a seed fallen to earth 
not rise with a new life 
why should you doubt the rise 
of a seed named human 

have you ever seen a bucket lowered into a well 
coming back empty 
why lament for a soul when it can come back 
like Joseph from the well 

when for the last time you close your mouth 
your words and soul 
will belong to the world 
of no place no time

* * *
And in that world, as Rumi knew well, there is lots of room for all of us, and time for many talks, many dances, many parties.  I think of Erik charging around there, unstoppable.  And I hope, and I work, toward becoming worthy of joining in.  
This post is written with all the love at my command to all of you out there today.